Proxy Analysis
Check the recommendations on the agenda of the regular and extraordinary shareholders' meeting.
  • 임시주총
    주총일자 : 20240912
    공표일자 : 20240910
  • 정기주총
    주총일자 : 20240912
    공표일자 : 20240910
  • 임시주총
    주총일자 : 20240912
    공표일자 : 20240910
  • 정기주총
    주총일자 : 20240910
    공표일자 : 20240908
  • 임시주총
    주총일자 : 20240906
    공표일자 : 20240904
  • 임시주총
    주총일자 : 20240906
    공표일자 : 20240904

Proxy Voting Services

We have established objective guidelines with the aim of maximizing shareholder
value in harmony with corporate value and social values through general shareholders' meetings.
Proxy Voting Services Proxy Voting Services
  • 01
    Establishing a healthy distance between management rights and shareholder rights through checks and balances
  • 02
    A reasonable shareholder return policy
  • 03
    Pursuit of mutual growth and common interests of major shareholders and minority shareholders
  • 04
    Compliance with corporate governance-related systems & Improvement plan
  • 05
    Establishing a sound governance culture of market participants

Voting guidelines revision process

Bottom-up process from drafting the amended guidelines for review by
the governance committee to announcing the final guidelines
Announcement of the amended guidelines Governance committee review Draft of the amended guidelines by the Proxy Division Issue gathering, Feedback from institutional investors, Industry trends, Legal amendments

Proxy analysis internal process

Proxy analysis is executed through a four-step internal process
following the announcement of general meeting of shareholders
Proxy analysis internal process Proxy analysis internal process

Securing independence

The institute completely prohibits business (consulting) to companies analyzed
and has a process of preventing conflicts of interest and internal control through the enforcement of the
Chinese Wall, monitoring of compliance officers, and checklist
Securing independence Securing independence
Direct and indirect interests with
companies subject to analysis
Unfair request from a
Awareness of undisclosed information of
companies subject to analysis
Independence Verification Process

Vote your views with confidence

The institute completely prohibits business (consulting) to companies analyzed
and has a process of preventing conflicts of interest and internal control through the enforcement of the
Chinese Wall, monitoring of compliance officers, and checklist
Vote your views with confidence
Vote your views with confidence
High-efficiency Support


Person DB system

Multi dimensional analysis
  • Wide coverage of unstructured data
  • Provide client-specific Proxy Simulation Service
  • Person analysis through Relation Map

Dividend Evaluation Model

Selection of companies
  • Industry specific dividend analysis
  • Utilize quant-based statistical techniques
  • Extract adequate dividend range

Monitoring System

Permanent monitoring
  • Continuous update of media and disclosures
  • Publish social issue reports
  • ESG analysis of companies